


Pander Escort Service Munich

The exceptional escort agency in Munich

Know the difference.

Why buy emotionless sex when you can unlock ultimate pleasure in a sensual encounter?

We are no ordinary escort service and cannot be compared with other escort agencies from Munich or the surrounding area.

Because we do NOT offer professional escort models, prostitutes, escorts or whores from Munich. Our escort ladies are exclusively girls and women who have a regular job, study or training and who only do the job as an escort as a “hobby” on the side.

They come with a desirable feminine touch that is usually absent from encounters with professional escorts.

Nevertheless, our clients are assured of professionalism from the women. Discretion, secrecy, seriousness and punctuality are the cornerstones of our agency. No data or information is passed on to third parties or stored. This is why celebrities and famous personalities have been our regular customers for years.

Escort ladies in Munich

This is what our customers have to say.

Real & uncensored feedback on the ladies

You will find the girl next door, the married neighbor or the serious colleague who is looking for a sexual kick here at Pander Escort in Munich.

In addition, the hobby escort ladies want to combine the most beautiful thing in the world with the useful in addition to their monotonous everyday work and improve their pocket money, get a little more out of life, or get to know one or the other luxury hotel in Munich and the surrounding area. Perhaps the escort ladies from Munich are also looking for the man for life. Secretly, every escort girl dreams of a pretty women story that never ends.

You won’t find any ripped off, hard-nosed escorts, assembly line work or mass processing like in other agencies. You can assume that your desired escort lady will not have any other appointments on the same day and will rarely have more than one or two escort dates a week.

Therefore, as an escort service from Munich, we deliberately avoid high-gloss escort model photos and heavily edited and retouched pictures. The ladies should appear as natural as possible so that you get exactly what you expect and are not negatively surprised.

We want you as a regular customer, because a satisfied customer is the best advertisement.

Explore Munich with an escort: suggestions to enjoy

Your time with an escort in Munich should be something very special – maybe you would like to explore the city a bit or have something to eat together? Then here are a few suggestions for you: three sights and three excellent restaurants that you can visit with our escort ladies in Munich!

Bayerische Staatsoper


Müller’sches Volksbad

La Bohème

Les Deux

Esszimmer München